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Human beings making up a group or assembly or linked by a common interest.

Schöne Landschaft

Naze Dulong Project

The 'Naze Dulong Project' is a collaboration between the Klee Klee brand and the Dulong ethnic minority group in China. By combining the unique knitting techniques of the Dulong people, Klee Klee is showcasing their style of blankets and swatches, supports their cultural heritage and provides work and a steady income for them.

Through modern production management and promotion methods, 'Naze Dulong Project' hopes to amplify the value of local women's labor and boost their self-confidence, while encouraging more Dulong people to participate in the project. Through that, the project will contribute to the development of the local economy and help more people to understand and appreciate the Dulong culture.

Since 2020 Südwolle Group is supporting this project by providing the yarn for those beautiful traditional garments.

Naze Dulong

Fondazione Biella Master delle Fibre Nobili

The Biella Master delle Fibre Nobili or Biella Master of Noble Fibres is a unique experience founded on a basic belief: "Factories as an artisans’s workshop".

The Biella Master's mission is to provide a unique training course giving in-depth knowledge of the textile/clothing process by linking theory and practice. It introduces students to a wide range of realities where they examine individual processes, understand the fundamental connections between them and learn to communicate using the language of everyone involved in the system. That's how they develop the ability to identify and resolve problems in an innovative way.

Master in Fibre Nobili logo_edited.png

As Südwolle Group, we recognise ourselves as a partner that helps developing the training, while contributing to  the know-how of young people in a sector in which Italy is internationally renown for. We are convinced that investing in deserving young people, regardless of their starting conditions, represents a powerful lever to encourage the growth of textiles and "Made in Italy". All of the graduates are currently employed with managerial functions in textile companies, mostly in those that hosted the students during their training period. 

Biella Master
Mathematik- und Geometriewerkzeuge

United World Colleges

The United World Colleges (UWC) are offering an educational experience based on shared learning, collaboration and understanding. It was intended that the students would act as champions of peace. UWC encourages students to use initiative and embrace personal challenge within a supportive environment. Understanding, respecting and celebrating differences as well as similarities is at the heart of a UWC experience. It is transformational and the start of a lifelong journey.


Through shared experiences, students learn about themselves and develop a sense of responsibility for others. Südwolle Group is proud to support the United World Colleges with funds for their scholarship program.

United World Colleges
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